Hall BioProcess™ System Difference

The Hall Process™ system’s treatment differentiation lies in the suspended carrier particles, which have an exceptionally larger surface area than that of the competing biological treatment technologies. Because of this, a higher concentration of bacteria exist in our treatment process, yielding a much higher supply of clean water per treatment cycle.
Additionally, the Hall BioReactor™ vessel’s continuous circulation results in faster remediation by forcing more water, more quickly through the bacteria-dense suspended particles inside the vessel, resulting in an increased amount of treated water, in a shorter amount of time.
Further, because the main process of the system utilizes naturally occurring bacteria, no sludgy waste or excess materials are produced during treatment. The Hall BioProcess™ system’s treatment process yields minimal waste side-stream, results in no contaminated biological materials, and is an entirely sustainable treatment process.
The Hall BioProcess™ system has a unique biological treatment technology that offers many benefits over
current treatment technologies:
Lower Operating Cost
30- 45% lower than the OPEX of competing technologies
Smaller in Size
The system is scalable
Greater Efficiency
Reduces contamination concentrations to nearly 0 ppm
Faster Remediation
Removes contaminates at a faster rate than competitors
No contaminated waste
Produces no side-stream of contaminated materials
Biotechnology Advantages
Uses robust bacterial technology, rather than complex and more expensive chemicals